Saturday, July 28, 2012

Ellie Day!

Every year we celebrate the day Ellie came home to Texas from Ethiopia (aka Ellie Day!)  I let Ellie decide what we will do, and this year she requested "I want to sleep in a hotel and order room service." This is an odd request from a 6 year old, but then I realized that all of our vacations have been in a friends' house, a rented house or a condo, so she's fascinated with the idea of a hotel where you get to eat right in your room!  We made reservations in Dallas and commenced our ambitious schedule:

First stop - Froggie's 5 & 10, where Ellie selected this as her treat.

Then some princess dress window shopping,

Then lunch and chocolate sodas at the Highland Park Pharmacy.

Then a mani/pedi for purple nails with sparkles (and in honor of Ellie Day, I didn't even try to talk her into a more subtle look.)

Heavenly Bed = permission to jump to her heart's content.

Admiring the view.

Mi Cocina for dinner.

And a Mambo Taxi for Mommy...

Watching the Olympic opening ceremonies in her cozy robe (she only made it to the K's of the Parade of Nations.)

Room service breakfast.

And last but not least, a trip to the American Girl store.  We went the night before and I had her pick one out and talked about how we were going to ask Santa for her at Christmas.  Then it seemed like EVERY LITTLE GIRL we passed had one - at the hotel, walking around the Galleria, at the restaurant for dinner.  They were everywhere.  I couldn't take the peer pressure, so we made one more stop before heading home.  I'm such a sucker. But look at that face... 

Happy Ellie Day, kiddo!  And happy homecoming, Ella!