Thursday, October 1, 2009

Preschool is Ellie-Approved

Preschool is a HUGE hit! A couple of teary mornings the first week and then it was smooth sailing from there on. This morning since it was about to rain, the kids were in the morning drop-off room reading a book instead of on the playground, and Ellie could only manage a half-hug for me before running to join the circle for storytime! She has been so busy that this week she's started actually sleeping during nap time instead of just resting. Her teacher is French, and is teaching the kids something in French each week. This week they learned hello, goodbye, please and thank you. Next week a TCU student will start coming weekly to teach them Spanish, so I'm sure she's going to be thoroughly confused, or is about to become a linguistic prodigy - only time will tell.

We had a great playdate with Calvin and his mommy Tobyn their first week home from Ethiopia! Cal is so handsome and such a happy little guy! He and Ellie had both gotten shots at their doctor appointments that morning, so they enjoyed some well-deserved ice cream and hit the playground. Cal tackled the playground like an old pro, even going on the "too big" slide when we couldn't convince Ellie to go. I think Tobyn and Matt are going to have their hands full keeping up with that little ball of energy! We're glad to have Cal and his parents home to Texas safely, and can't wait to see him again!


  1. Love that everything is going so well. Hope to see you both soon.

  2. Yeah Ellie! We all loved meeting her this weekend. Hannah was lookng at pictures and kept saying "There's Ellie, There's Ellie!"
