Monday, July 27, 2009

We're Home!

Sorry to keep you all waiting - Ellie Hiab and I are both getting over jet lag and I have come down with my usual post-plane trip cold.  The good news is that she and I are doing GREAT!  I am cautiously optimistic that we have turned a corner by coming home as I had hoped. Attachment is a lengthy process, but I feel like we're finally moving forward instead of regressing. Last week was so difficult with all the changes to her routine, the coming and going to the foster care center combined with the constant presence of the caregivers at our guest house, topped off with the visit with her uncle and cousins at the end of the week.  I think it must have been very confusing for her, and at her age, she's aware enough of the changes to be alarmed but not old enough to process what's happening.  Since we left Ethiopia, everything has been new, but at least consistently new, which seems to have helped her equilibrium.

Almost as soon as we got on the plane I asked Suzanne "Who is this delightful child we're taking home?"  It was a whole new side to her personality - curious, engaged, even silly.  She sang songs, talked a mile a minute sometimes to us, sometimes to herself (all in Amharric, of course, so we don't know what the commentary was about) and handled the flights like a pro - there were only a couple of hours of upset at the end of nearly seventeen hours of the trip to DC (which considering the events of the prior week is kind of amazing.)  We were met by Aunt Georgie and Uncle Harry at the DC airport with injera, wat and Amharric flashcards in tow.  I think the wat saved the day - she wasn't wild about the Lufthansa food and it was probably really nice to have something familiar after such a crazy day.  She's not too keen on meeting new people, so she was pretty reserved, but got very excited once we headed toward the plane for Dallas.  The lady at the sandwich shop in the airport where we bought some bananas and juice for the plane was Ethiopian and talked to her in Amharric.  She loved the plane - even ran down the gateway for the last flight.  Both of us were so exhausted that we fell asleep during takeoff, and if you know me that's quite a feat!

She's done great since we've been home - she's eating well, undressing and redressing all the dolls and exploring the many toys in the house.  We've made a Target trip, eaten frozen custard at Curly's and played ball with the grandparents in the backyard.  There's only been one meltdown, and she was able to get control again within minutes where in Addis it would have taken hours.  She's asking about the English words for objects and food, and is crazy about riding in the car.   She's gone from not wanting to be touched at all to holding hands and being a cuddlebug at nap and bedtime.  The language barrier is a frustration sometimes when she's tired or objecting to a request, but we're doing pretty well with my limited Amharric and sign language.  

I'll post more photos and details of the trip later this week when I'm feeling better.  I am hoping that our new happy routine lasts!


  1. What a gorgeous daughter you have! We've been praying for your happy homecoming - I'm so happy for you! Ellis is so very lucky to have you as her mom! Cheers to your baby girl!

  2. Give Ellie Hiab a BIG hug and kiss from Auntie Shell! She is so gorgeous and I am so RELIEVED to hear that things are going so much better. Love to all!

  3. I am so happy to hear that things are turning around for you two. She looks very happy in the pictures and is so beautiful! Congrats to you both. We will continue to pray for you.

  4. So glad to hear and see that she is doing good. We had our class praying for you guys on Sunday, and yall have been in our thoughts alot over the past few days. Let us know if there is anything we can do. Can't wait to meet her.

  5. This is such an amazing transition, and what a relief! We love you both! Conley and I can't wait to meet her!

  6. We are so very glad to hear that you are both doing well. Though we haven't gotten to meet her yet - just peek at her asleep in the car - we are so glad she is here. Tad could hear her laughing in the backyard the other day - what a delightful sound. We are looking forward to many years of watching her grow up.

  7. Heather - I found your blog through Michelle's (from facebook). What a wonderful story. You have a big heart and Ellie is so lucky to have you. I know that things will get better as she gets use to the routine and sees how much you love her. Take care.
